Industrial estate in Chemnitz
In 1996, the company group was able to plan and realize a shopping center on Limbacher Strasse on the north-western suburbs of Chemnitz. The location of the property allows optimal use of the site, with parking spaces directly in front of the building.
First tenants in EKZ Chemnitz
Kathreiner, Spar and Pfennigpfeiffer were the first tenants in the shopping center at Limbacher Strasse 63.
Chemnitz – an industrial and technology location with tradition
Chemnitz, the third largest city in Saxony with a population of around 250,000, is an important industrial and technology location in eastern Germany. The city has a rich industrial tradition and has developed into a modern technology location in recent years. Chemnitz is home to numerous medium-sized companies as well as large corporations active in the fields of mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and information technology. Chemnitz University of Technology plays a central role in the scientific landscape and promotes technology transfer to the regional economy.
Limbacher Strasse is in an easily accessible and convenient location in the Kappel district, to the west of Chemnitz city center. The surrounding area is characterized by a mixture of residential and commercial areas, which provides an ideal balance between working and living.
Facts in a glance
Property location
Property type
Trade, Warehouse
Usable area
approx. 2.000 sqm
Completion in
Bus station
200 m
Train station
500 m
Anschluss A4
ca. 6,5 km
Flughafen Leipzig Halle
ca. 100 km
Flughafen Dresden
ca. 100 km